If you are of a certain age you will have sung the title of the blog!  😉

We left Yellowknife and got to see some of our favourite people… sorry Cindy and Stephen we forgot to get photos of you but we had a lovely visit!

03.14.14 Granny and Burke

03.14.14 Sean and I

After our short visit we started our trip to Fairbanks.

03.14.14 plane with a view

03.14.14 North to Alaska

03.14.14. whiling away the flightWe kept ourselves busy with drawing, snoozing and part of a movie!

03.14.14 Santa Clause house

03.14.14 Santa and usThe first place Judy took me to visit is North Pole Alaska.  And look who dropped in!   Santa and I had a lovely visit.  He has recuperated from his very busy December.  He tells me that the elves have begun to prepare for next Christmas.  🙂

03.14.14 irving scholander memeorial lecture Jane Lubchenco

03.14.14 Jane LubchencoThe plane was full.  I had a young man who is participating in Ian’s Youth Ambassador Program and a woman named Jane Lubchenco.  I asked why she was going to Fairbanks and she said she was lecturing at the University including a public lecture.  So I went last night. Dr. Lubchenco lead NOAA in Washington for the first term of President Obama’s tenor.  It was a perfect end of day one in Fairbanks.

The Games start on Sunday!  So I have a couple of days to get my bearings around Fairbanks.

 11 comments left until I send out the next set of cards!  Will it be you?  I hope so.  See you soon.