01.01.13 Steadfast

On one of the groups I am part of each year at this time the members look at what is going on in their lives  (art related) and try to distill their “goal” to a single word. The first year  I participated I decided the word would be “Habit” as I needed to create the habit of being in my studio regularly.  The very next  year I chose “Focus” because I was getting prepared for my solo show for May 2011 and intense FOCUS was definitely needed!

So tonight I was spending a couple of hours doing some reflective kind of thinking  and I decided that my word for this year is “Steadfastness”.  I need to be constant, unswerving, and steady as I continue to  build my business and create my original art work.

What is your Goal word?  And why did you chose it?

Comments get you a chance to win an original 5×7 Watercolour Painting!